My Story
A little about Lynn
I am passionate about developing and coaching others. my fortunate background in the luxury retail and hospitality industry, spanning a period of more than 20 years, has afforded me the privilege of coaching and developing both leaders and their teams in extraordinary environments. In all the years that I have coached and developed people, I have noticed that the challenges they have faced, have not been dissimilar.
Most people struggle with change. Change related to a promotion, or an unexpected change in their team or organisation. Others are struggling with the changes brought on by painful personal circumstances. Recently, the changes created by the Pandemic have affected us all.
What exactly is resilience and why is it so important? Resilience is our ability to bounce back after a stressful event or sudden and unexpected change. It is also known as mental or psychological fitness, and it has been linked to success.
I have experienced first-hand the effects of sudden change and the catastrophic effects it can have on our lives. For this reason, I am passionate about helping others overcome the obstacles related to resilience. Resilience is such a much-needed skill, that I have embarked on a journey to discover what it is, what makes some people more resilient than others, and how we can develop the trait.
As a Resilience Coach, I form partnerships with clients to optimize their mental health and physical well-being by developing positive mindsets. I assist my clients to enhance their self-motivation, self-regulation, discover their hidden strengths, navigate the journey of change, and build psychological muscle.
My qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Development, Associate Certified Coach (ACC with the ICF – International Coach Federation) and A&B Level Psychometric Test Administrator (BPS – British Psychological Society). I use various assessment tools such as EQ-I 2.0 ; EQ 360; MBTI (Myers–Briggs Type Indicator) and Resilience Questionnaire™, to enhance the coaching experience. More importantly, I have coached, developed, and provided feedback, to hundreds of leaders and teams during my career and I would be honoured to help you.
I dedicate my work, my writing, and my coaching to improving your mental fitness, and my hope is that in doing so, I am contributing to helping you thrive!

Why Work With Lynn

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