Welcome to our Learn to Lead Better Campaign:
Have you ever struggled with wondering what to focus on regarding your own development? Have you ever been confused by the maize of information out there? Look no further, we have done a lot of research over the last few months, and the topics which we will cover, will be hot topics related to leadership traits and skills which are currently highly in demand.
Over the next few months, we will release a bimonthly topic which will cover essential skills to help you “learn to lead better”. These topics will be aimed at giving you the skills to develop leadership traits which will help you become a better leader and ultimately, help lead others to success.
It is said that one of the biggest challenges which leaders face today, is keeping up with change. Since I am a resilience coach whose clients are leaders who mostly struggle with issues related to change, I can confirm that this statement is true. Most of the struggles which leaders face today are related to some form of change or issues that arise as a result of change. This means that the challenges they face, demand them to develop skills which will help them cope with change. These skills include things like resilience (psychological muscle), adaptability, flexibility, agility, stress control and emotional tolerance.
Another challenge that leaders face, is how to develop these skills in a safe and effective way. In our blogs to follow, we will explore some of these topics and provide not only answers, but access to tools that can help you as a leader to improve your ability to deal with change and become more highly resilient.
Look out for topics over the next few weeks which will include:
Ways to be a More Resilient Leader
Assertiveness in Leadership & Why It’s Essential
Learning to Manage Change
The Coaching Leadership Style
Self-Awareness – The Leadership Trump Card
How EQ can Help Leaders with Inclusiveness & Diversity
Strengths-Based Leadership
Leadership and Positive Psychology
Being a Mindful Leader
Wellness in Yourself and Your Team
How to Encourage Behaviour Change in Your Team
8 Great Leadership Traits to Develop in Yourself
We hope that these topics will empower you to not only do your own research but help motivate and guide you as to which traits you need to develop within yourself. If there are any additional topics which you would like us to cover, please send me a message on Linkedin or go to Lynn Fraser Coaching to receive our bimonthly blogs and stay updated. Happy learning!