Hope in Tomorrow
Hope is our sustained positive state of mind, based on the expectation that our difficult circumstances are temporary, and we are expecting a favourable outcome.
More practically put, hope in the future is what provides us with motivation for the present. Where would we be without hope? When I think of hope, my mind envisions the scene at the start of the Apollo 11 Mission in 1969. What hope was placed in the 3 astronauts that their 4-day journey in space would successfully land them on the moon? Was it the sheer willpower of those left on earth that virtually propelled them to success? Research lends us to believe that it may have been!
In “Man’s Search for Meaning”, the 1946 book by Viktor Frankl describing his experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War II, Frankl found that the way a prisoner imagined his future affected his longevity. Those that had no hope, had no future. Its difficult to imagine that hope, a way of thinking or a state of mind, has such power over our destiny, but indeed, all subsequent research has provided us with the evidence that it does.
The Benefits of Being Hopeful
Being hopeful is intricately linked to positivity and self-regard. Those who tend to be more positive in their thinking, are more likely to be hopeful of their future and vice versa. Those of us who have a higher self-regard are also likely to be more hopeful. Being hopeful has many health benefits, including a reduction in the experience of pain and protection against chronic illnesses. It can also provide psychological relief by providing us with motivation during difficult circumstances. Hope can provide us with endurance and patience, courage, and inspiration in the face of fear and loss. When we pause and reflect, our hope can also provide us with immense peace and lasting joy.
Here are 5 ways to Practice Being Hopeful:
- Practice Gratitude
Being grateful for the positive things in our lives has proven health benefits and the bonus of flooding our brains with feel good hormones. Thinking of at least 5 things at the end of every day that we are grateful for, helps us master the skill of focusing on appreciating the here and now. Here are some statistics to remind us of how lucky we really are: “If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75 percent of the world’s population. If you have money in your bank, your wallet, and some spare change, you are among 8 percent of the world’s wealthy. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the agony of imprisonment or torture or the horrible pangs of starvation, you are luckier than 500 million people alive and suffering. If you can read this message, you are more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who cannot read at all.” Source: therepublic.com. Keeping a gratitude journal is an easy way to record our gratitude and maintain the practice.
2. Limit Negative Messages
We are all bombarded with staggering amounts of information every day, either in the form of the media, through advertising, emails, television, social media etc. We cannot realistically close ourselves off from the world without consequence, however, we can choose what messages we allow to enter or world. Choosing to turn off notifications on our mobile devices, unsubscribing to news feeds and being more deliberate about when and how we allow messages to enter our conscious mind, are just some of the ways that we can limit negative news. I have a friend who used to start his day watching CNN on television until he realized what a negative start to his day he was allowing. Now, he watches a condensed version of the news, later in the day. Being mindful helps. Don’t be a victim.
- Set Some Goals
Having taken stock of what is positive in our lives, it is always a good idea to set some goals for our future. Imagine what a graduate repaying a student loan can do once the debt is repaid in full? Imagine what a stay at home Mom who is battling empty nest syndrome, can do with all that time? Most negative scenarios are not forever. How does tomorrow look? Endless opportunity can create a spark of excitement which makes the current burden easier to bare. Hope is the promise of a better tomorrow. Plan for it and see how the positive energy helps to alleviate current stressors.
- Surround Yourself with Positive, Hopeful People
Most of us know at least one eternal optimist. Those happy go lucky people who are always the life of the party. It is difficult to be somber in the presence of a person who is always fun and upbeat, and its difficult for their optimism not to rub off. Conversely, we may know of someone who could do with a little cheering themselves. We can be the optimist in their lives. One phone call or one word of encouragement may be the difference between hope and despair for someone we know.
5. Remember those Less Fortunate
In our walk of life, we tend to forget that our problems may be temporary and that many others may be in a worse situation than ourselves. Remembering those who are less fortunate is a way not only to give back to our community, but also to focus less on our own challenges and more on the challenges of others. In the stark light of day, our own problems can diminish when we realise that there are many who would be grateful to have our food, our clothes, or our car. Giving back to our community either in the form of time, talents, or money, is a great way to become less self-absorbed and more open to easing the burdens of others.
A Word in Closing
Remember that hope is the promise of a better tomorrow. It does not diminish what we may be facing today, but it does provide for us, the relief that what we are facing may be temporary. Hope is not easy, it takes determination, GRIT, and a willingness to be vulnerable to admit that we need it. It also ensures that we continue to strive forward towards our goals, knowing that we will ultimately make it and live to tell the tale.
If you are facing many challenges that have caused you to lose hope, a coach can help you to unlock your hope. Contact me HERE